Миниатюра: Prey Catchers

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Миниатюра: Prey Catchers
Миниатюра: Prey Catchers
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$ 4.2
With so much of their strength found in the element of surprise, it is critical that word of the Man Eater’s arrival does not reach the village before they have camped their cooking pits and butchers blocks deeper in the forest.It is the prey catchers who play the role of vanguard. They are fast and agile enough to range ahead of even the swiftest of quarries and cut them down. Set includes 4 miniatures.

Высота до верхней точки: 39.43 мм.
  • 3D SLA printed on ANYCUBIC Photon Mono X 6Ks
  • 35〜50 mcmステップ(ミニチュアによる)
  • 超音波入浴
  • 洗った
  • UVランプで硬化
  • 小さな要素がサポートに来る